陈江照&臧志刚&许宗祥JEC:下效晃动钙钛矿太阳能电池中由多种化教键协同迷惑的自下而上的总体载流子操持策略 – 质料牛
Fig. 1.(a) Schematic illustration of multiple-chemical-bond-induced bottom-up holistic modification based on TBHCl. (b) Sn 3dand (c) O 1sXPS spectra of the SnO2films without or with modifiers. 19F NMR spectra of the SnO2solutions without and with (d) BTF and (e) TBHCl. 1H NMR spectra of the SnO2solutions without and with (f) BTF and (g) TBHCl. (h) FTIR spectra of SnO2, SnO2-TBHCl film, and pure TBHCl in the range of 1000-1200 cm-1. (i) Pb 4fXPS spectra of the perovskite films prepared on pristine SnO2and modified SnO2with BTF, BHCl and TBHCl. (j) 19F NMR spectra of TBHCl, TBHCl+PbI2and TBHCl+FAI. (k) 1H NMR spectra of TBHCl, TBHCl+PbI2, TBHCl+FAI, and FAI.
Fig. 2.(a) Electrostatic potential map of BTF, BHCl and TBHCl molecules. (b) Binding energies (Eb) between the OVdefects in SnO2, iodine vacancy and FA vacancy defects in FAPbI3in contact with BTF, BHCl and TBHCl molecules. Optimized structures of SnO2surface containing OVdefects (c) without and with (d) BTF, (e) BHCl, and (f) TBHCl. Optimized structures of FAPbI3 surface containing iodine vacancy defects (g) without and with (h) BTF, (i) BHCl, and (j) TBHCl. Optimized structures of FAPbI3surface containing FA vacancy defects (k) without and with (l) BTF, (m) BHCl, and (n) TBHCl.
Fig. 3. DLS spectra of fresh and aged (a) SnO2, (b) SnO2-BTF, (c) SnO2-BHCl and (d) SnO2-TBHCl. (e) Current-voltage curves for the devices with the structure of ITO/SnO2without or with modifiers/Ag. The ITO and PCBM stand for the indium-tin oxide-coated glass substrate and phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester layer, respectively. (f) Electron mobility of the electron-only devices with the structure of ITO/PCBM/SnO2without and with BTF, BHCl and TBHCl/PCBM/Ag. (g) XRD for the control, BTF-, BHCl- and the TBHCl-modified perovskite films. GIXRD patterns with different ωvalues (0.5~1.5) for (h) control, (i) BTF-, (j) BHCl-, and (k) TBHCl-modified perovskite films. (l) The d-spacing value of the (211) plane as a function of grazing incidence angle for the control, BTF-, BHCl- and the TBHCl-modified perovskite films.
Fig. 4. Top-view SEM images of (a) control, (b) BTF-, (c) BHCl-, and (d) TBHCl-modified perovskite films. The scale bar is 1 μm. PL mapping images of (e) glass/perovskite, (f) glass/BTF/perovskite, (g) glass/BHCl/perovskite and (h) glass/TBHCl/perovskite films. (i-l) Current-voltage curves for the electron-only devices which was composed of ITO/SnO2without or with modifiers /perovskite/PCBM/BCP/Ag.
Fig. 5. (a) TRPL spectra of the perovskite films based on the pristine SnO2and SnO2modified with BTF, BHCl, and TBHCl. Transient reflection kinetics for the perovskite films deposited on (b) SnO2, (c) SnO2-BTF, (d) SnO2-BHCl and (e) SnO2-TBHCl ETLs. (f) TPC and (g) TPV decay curves of the PSCs based on SnO2, BTF-, BHCl- and TBHCl-modified ETLs. (h) EIS measurement of the devices based on control, BTF, BHCl, and TBHCl ETLs. The inset shows equivalent circuit of the device. (i) The light-intensity dependence of VOCcurves for the control and modified devices.
Fig. 6. (a) JSC, (b) VOC, (c) FF and (d) PCE of the control and PSCs based on the optimal concentration of BTF, BHCl and TBHCl. J-Vcharacteristics of the best-performing PSCs based on (e) control, (f) BTF, (g) BHCl and (h) TBHCl. (i) J-Vcurves of the champion TBHCl modified device with PEAI post-treatment. (j) Steady state output performance of the champion PSCs without and with BTF, BHCl and TBHCl modification. (k) Thermal stability of the unencapsulated PSCs without and with modifiers at 60 ℃ in a N2-filled glove box. (l) Humidity stability test of unencapsulated PSCs without and with modifiers aged under a relative humidity of 15-25% at room temperature in the dark.
Baibai Liu,1Ru Li,1Qixin Zhuang, Xuemeng Yu, Shaokuan Gong, Dongmei He, Qian Zhou, Hua Yang, Xihan Chen, Shirong Lu, Zong-Xiang Xu,* Zhigang Zang* and Jiangzhao Chen*. Bottom-up holistic carrier management strategy induced synergistically by multiple chemical bonds to minimize energy losses for efficient and stable perovskite solar cells. Journal of Energy Chemistry2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jechem.2022.09.037.
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